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Use of Methylphenidate for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Patients With Epilepsy or Electroencephalographic Abnormalities

Original Article

Use of Methylphenidate for Attention-Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder in Patients With Epilepsy

or Electroencephalographic Abnormalities

Kıvılcım Gucuyener, MD;* A. Kemal Erdemoglu, MD;* Selahattin Senol, MD;* Ays¸e Serdaroglu, MD;

Sebnem Soysal, PhD; A. Ilden Kockar, PhD


Methylphenidate is commonly believed to lower seizure threshold. The safe use of methylphenidate has not been clarified

in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and concomitant active seizure or electroencephalographic

(EEG) abnormalities. Patients with ADHD and active seizures (n = 57) and patients with ADHD and EEG abnormalities

(n = 62), 6 to 16 years of age, were included in the study. The safety and efficacy of treatment with antiepilepsy drugs combined with methylphenidate were determined by assessing seizure frequency, changes in ADHD symptoms, the Conners’

Rating Scales, EEG differences, and side effects. The Conners’ Rating Scales, performed by parents and teachers, and

mean total ADHD symptom scores at the beginning of the study and at the end were significantly different (P = .05 for

the Conners’ Rating Scales and P = .001 for ADHD symptom scores). Methylphenidate had a beneficial effect on EEG.

Seizure frequency did not change from baseline. The side effects of methylphenidate were mild and transient. Methylphenidate

is safe and effective in children with ADHD and concomitant active seizures or EEG abnormalities. (J Child Neurol


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Multicomponent attention deficits in attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder



1Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ankara University School of Medicine, 2Gazi University

Medical Faculty, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and 3Department of Experimental

Psychology, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


The aim of this study was to examine the specific aspects of attention, such as selective attention,

sustained attention,and short-term memory in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,

combined subtype (ADHD-C).Atotal of 40 children with a diagnosis ofADHDfrom the 4th edition

of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, aged 6–11 years old were compared with 40 controls

matched for age and gender on a battery of tests. Short-term memory span and attention was

measured by VisualAural Digit Span Test–Revised. Stroop test and the Turkish version of Cancellation

Test were used to assess selective and sustained attention, respectively. In order to check for

factor structure in two groups on the test scores, principal component analysis was conducted for

both groups separately. Relative to the comparison children, children with ADHD showed significant

deficits on tests that are related to different aspects of attention.The results are consistent with

the theories explaining the biological basis ofADHD by scattered attention networks in the brain,

which have reciprocal dynamic interactions. Further comparative studies are needed to elucidate

whether the cognitive processes that are known to be assessed by these tests are specific toADHD

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Personality, Social Support, and Anxiety among Adolescents Preparing for University Entrance Examinations in Turkey

Gazi University

Middle East Technical University

This study aimed to investigate the importance of different sources of perceived social support, sociotropic and autonomic personality dispositions, achievement expectation, and importance of academic achievement in predicting anxiety symptoms of male and female students who were preparing for the university entrance exam. Three hundred and forty students with ages varying from 16 to 21 participated in the study.

Separate multiple regression analyses were run for males and females in predicting anxiety symptoms. The total Sociotropy score and the total Social Support score predicted anxiety for females, whereas for males, anxiety was predicted by four variables, namely. Achievement Expectancy, Concern over Approval, Social Support from Family, and Social Support from Friends. Implications of these results were discussed.

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Öğrenme Güçlüğü Olan Bir Grup Hastanın WISC-R Profillerinin İncelenmesi

A. Şebnem SOYSAL*, Aylin İLDEN KOÇKAR**, Emel ERDOĞAN***, Selahattin ŞENOL****, Kıvılcım GÜCÜYENER*#


Öğrenme yaşam boyu devam eden, sadece yeni bir beceri kazanma ya da akademik bir konuda uzmanlaşmayı değil, duygusal gelişmeyi, toplumsal etkileşimi ve kişilik gelişimini de içeren çok yönlü bir süreçtir. Bu süreçte ortaya çıkan aksaklıklar kişinin tüm yaşantısını etkileyebilmektedir. Öğrenme güçlüğü olan çocuklarda yalnızca akademik başarıda düşüklük görülmez, tüm yaşam alanları sorundan etkilenir. Bu nedenlerle öğrenme güçlüğünün; zihinsel işlevler üzerindeki etkilerini anlama çabası beraberinde dikkat, algılama ve yorumlama yetilerinin değerlendirilmesinde etkin olarak kullanılabilecek test bataryalarının geliştirilmesine yol açmıştır. Bu bataryalar içerisinde yer alan en etkin testlerden biri Wechsler Çocuklar için Zeka Ölçeği'dir (WISC-R).

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Aylin İlden Koçkar

Prof. Dr. Aylin İlden Koçkar

Uzmanlık alanı çocuk ve ergen psikopatolojisi olan Prof. Dr. Koçkar bebeklik, okul öncesi, çocukluk ve ergenlik döneminde görülen duygu-durum bozukluklarını araştırmakta ve bu konularda seminer ve danışmanlık vermektedir.
